For the Love of writing...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
  The Q's and NQ's of Life.
Life, can be sometimes complicated as it can be simple. All throughout our life we are subject to evaluations. Though not so much of a fashion during our times, even kids of today are interviewed before they can secure an admission to the kinder garden class. There begins the unavoidable cycle of evaluation. For the next 10 gruellling years the kid is subject to constant evaluations named term tests and half year exams. These evaluations sort of seal the fate of the child as it places him in a particular bracket of good and not so good students, of which a very few are able to free themselves and migrate to the next orbit. Then the kid goes to junior college and then to a professional college. After passing out from a professional college begins his journey into the real world where this, not a kid anymore, has to find a way of earning for himself. And here again, he is subject to evaluations and is rated according to the scores that he gets.

But on what basis is this evaluation carried out. This is one of the most important lesson that I have learnt in my life based on my recent experience.

Evaluations can be carried on two basis.

One, on the basis of quantifiable parameters and the other on the basis of non-quantifiable parameters.

What are quantifiable parameters? Simply stating, these are parameters that can be quantified, given a particular value. Exam score is the simplest possible quantifiable parameter. All men are always evaluated on the basis of these quantifiable parameters. Though not completely fair, this is the rule of the world.

Then we have the non-quantifiable parameters. Though it can be forcibly quantified, it really makes no sense to do so. I mean, can you quantify the actual intelligence of a person. You can always use vague ideas like superb, brilliant or genius to try and quantify them, but it really doesn’t make fair justice to fit these into a set of values. Moreover, the person may have diverse intrests making the task all the more difficult.

But the essence of this writing is to understand as to when will a particular parameter be considered.

Quantifiable parameters are considered at every stage in life, just as we saw for the kid in the example above. Non-quantifiable parameters will be considered once your quantified parameters are within the acceptable bands of the said environment.

However, there are instances when the non quantifiable parameters have had greater importance over the quantifiable ones. When that happens, a genius is made, a great person is gifted to the world. Bill Gates was a college drop out, yet he created a software industry. He brought the PC to everyone’s desk. His contribution to the industry and to the entire mankind as a whole is unquantifiable. But these are exceptional circumstances, hence I say that when this happens a great person is given to the world and great people are not born always.

However good your non-quantifiable parameters be, just because they are non-quantifiable and because that it takes a really great person to rightly quantify the non-quantifiable parameters, it would be in your own good to somehow keep the quantifiable parameters in the acceptable range and then outsmart within the equals with the help of your non-quantifiable parameters.

If you are able to do this, life will really be easy for you. Those people whose non-quantifiable parameters are very good and who manage to keep their quantifiable parameters among the best in the group generally become the become the best performers in the group. The best of the best then land up in places like IIT’s and the IIM’s.

My final wordings here. Because the world around may not be as smart as you, keep the quantifiable parameters at a level where the people can differentiate between you and the ordinary and then take it forward with the non-quantifiable parameters.

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